Friday, July 23, 2021

Garden School

This morning, we clipped herbs and flowers to make a little bouquet. I think garden school is exactly what we needed this year. We can chalk up this lesson to sensory, fine motor skills, fresh air and following instructions. 😉

We planted zinnias and sunflowers from seed. It’s been a lesson on patience and waiting. It has made me so incredibly happy watching each flower bloom.

I love seeing the unique and intricate details of each flower. It’s been a simple reminder that all creation points back to our Creator. He is magnificent. 💙

Happy Friday!!



  1. Heather, I cannot think of a more beautiful...literally and figuratively...lesson! Happy Weekend!

  2. I want to go to garden school! 🌸😊 Picture perfect in every way. xo

  3. Love that Anne of Green Gables quote you have in your bio!
