Saturday, July 17, 2021

A Family Project


Finding hobbies that we can bond with our girls over has been a huge priority for both Josh and I. 

So this summer, we set out to learn more about gardening with our own little raised garden beds.

During the early days of spring, we loaded up and headed out for a long day of driving from hardware store to hardware store. Supplies were already running low at most of the stores! Cue newbie alert: buy early. *wink* 

We set up flower beds and four raised garden beds. We spent hours watching gardening videos to give us a better visual on how to accomplish our goals. It's been such a fun learning experience for us all and I hope it becomes a sweet memory for our girls as they grow up.

We planted a variety of tomato plants, squash, zucchini, zinnias, sunflowers and more. We've enjoyed fresh lettuce, tomatoes, herbs and we are not so patiently waiting on squash! 

However, my favorite part has been watching the girls check on the garden. Their squeals of delight over plants that are blooming from a seed that THEY planted is a joy like no other. 

It has also been such a simple reminder to the Goodness of God. What a miracle to watch things slowly grow and bloom, together, as a family. So thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather! Love this so much - and all the wonderful lessons you will share with your girls through gardening. I plant a few herbs and some years a few container veggies because I'm in such a woodsy area without a lot of space to build a big fenced in area. But if I could - I'd have a big garden. Love that the girls squeal with joy over what they grow! ;) xoxo
