Thursday, April 25, 2024

Homeschooling and Finding Community

Last year was genuinely one of the hardest most exhausting years of my life. We were battling a lot of uncertainty, dealing with grief, a lot of crazy stuff that I won’t get into here…but I will say that by the end of summer I was so broken. I’m not sure that I have ever cried that much in my life. 

As I worked hard to find my footing again, both my husband and I realized we needed to find an outlet for the girls homeschool wise. We decided to try a new homeschool community. 

Fast forward to a year later, and wow, we have found a place to land. It has been the sweetest year of encouragement and refinement. I believe we are where God wants us. 

Watching my girls grow in their faith and confidence while we continue to homeschool but with a co-op has been salve to my soul. And watching them make precious friendships has been icing on the cake.

All of this to say…if you are in the trenches of homeschooling or private schooling or public schooling…I see you. Making choices that better serves your family or maybe your child’s needs...I see you. I hope you find your place to land and if you haven’t, I’d be honored to pray for you. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Big Cedar Getaway

Last weekend, Josh and I got to go on an overnight getaway to Big Cedar Lodge. We grabbed iced Matcha on our way out of town and stopped at one of our favorite restaurants. 

It was chilly, but we still enjoyed walking around the grounds, taking pictures of the sunset, and just having a little downtime. We had breakfast at the local coffee shop. They have amazing quiche. We also spent some time at the arcade by ourselves! Sorry kids.😆

It was so nice to getaway and recharge. :-)

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Solar Eclipse Fun

We live in the path of totality, so we decided to make it a family day! Josh took off work and we planned a few fun activities with the girls. Namely, space rocket legos, moon pie snacks, and going for a an evening hike after dinner.

The Solar Eclipse glasses were pretty cool! ;)

Our dog even got in on the action.

The feeling of being in the middle of day and suddenly welcoming night time...and listening to all the birds singing. It was just incredible!

I'm thankful for these sweet memories with my fam!! :)