Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Finding Joy


The last few weeks have taken a toll on my heart. The news. The hate. The heartbreak of lives lost in Afghanistan. The heartbreak of knowing what others are facing. 

I found myself needing a slower pace. Quiet days at home. The gentle hum of everyday life. I want to be faithful in these small things. In doing so, I’m embracing the freedom and opportunities that others have given up their lives for. It’s an honor to be here, doing these ordinary, everyday things. It’s my own way to deal with grief.

And I will continue to pray for the mothers, fathers and spouses whose world has been turned upside down. For the underground church in Afghanistan, the courageous leaders who are still working to help those left behind. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

American History


I adored history as a kid. I was homeschooled and history was a big part of our life. We read books, took field trips and watched a plethora of historical films. I remember cooking meals from an old White House cookbook, and tasting Peanut Soup at Mt. Vernon!

I also vividly remember going to the library and scouring the historical biography section. People and events came to life and my love for history was born. My fondness for library editions has no bounds. They are such treasured gems! 

Needless to say, my book collection whole heartedly reflects my nerdiness. Specifically, American history. 

I’m excited to share my love for American history with my girls! A few of the series that we will be working through:

If You Lived Series: These are perfect for young readers. Just enough information to peek their interest without going into a lot of detail.

D’Aulaire Books: I hemmed and hawed over this purchase because they can be very expensive, but ya'll...they are worth every single penny. I binged on these books when they arrived at my front door, and have now made it's way to the top of my favorite books ever list.

Corerstones of Freedom: I enjoy collecting vintage books and these are newer to my collection. I will probably wait until my girls are older to read these. 

We have also enjoyed The Who Was series as read alouds, although at times they needed to be edited.

When it comes to collecting my books, I tend to shop second hand. Thrift stores, flea markets, garage sales and E-bay. I occasionally have found them through online yard sales as well, but they sell quickly!

Do you enjoy history!? What are some of your favorite favorite resources? I love getting new ideas.

Monday, August 2, 2021

First Day of School

Today, we started back to school! This momma is ready. We follow a year round method so that we can enjoy a nice fall break and a longer Christmas break!

Ella starts Kindergarten and Evie starts 2nd grade. We are using a mixture of curriculums. I also implemented morning menus for our “magic hour” also known as a morning basket.

I’m so thankful for the freedom to homeschool. Our time together is so precious to me.

 Happy Monday, friends!