Wednesday, January 22, 2020

A Dozen Reasons Why

When people ask me why I choose to homeschool my children...there are at least a dozen reasons why...

I could tell you that it's because I was homeschooled for most of my education and loved it!

I could tell you that it's because I love being with my girls every moment that I can...childhood is fleeting and they will be grown and on their own before I know it.

But, what I would really like to tell you is that I want to keep them little.

I want them to play outside and create things. I want them to spend more hours building forts and making messes than sitting at a desk.

I want their childhood to be filled with memories of each other because friends come and go, but their sibling will always be their sibling.

I want their days to start out with prayer and Psalms, not bus rides.

I want their childhood innocence preserved. We read child appropriate books and shows...there is nothing to rush here. No reason for them to be introduced to adult topics when it will happen soon enough. No reason at all...and yes, I know that is completely counter cultural.

Most of all, I want their memories of education fill with all the good and beautiful things that the Lord gives us through nature, literature, music, and sweet lessons around our table.

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